Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Making Strides Walk

This website will take you to the Making Strides website for breast cancer awareness. Get involved and help those who are fight this disease have a better chance of having many more happy birthdays. The American Cancer Society and the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure have helped fund the fight to see this disease that takes our wives, girlfriends, mothers, aunts, and friends from us. Please if you cannot participate donate to a sponsor or participant. The website explains how to sign up and/or donate to the cause.

I participate for my wife, Sabrina; my mother, Jean; my grandmother, Gwen (survivor); my wife's BFF, Sheryl (fighting victim); and my friends and women I don't even know. Helps fight for their quality of life and keep them here for their families to love and enjoy.

Big Daddy