This is for those who want to hear an unabridged version of discussions my friends and I have between us. I will post controversy, speculation, ranting, and probably offending content to stimulate conversation and thoughts beyond normal human capacity. Hopefully everyone enjoys.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Georgia Man Wins Right to Keep Flying American Flag at Home
Ron Tripodo, a former Army Reservist, of Canton, Georgia fought, like many Americans, against a ruthless homeowners association, at great expense, to honor our flag and his right to fly her in his front yard. The Bridgemill Homeowners Association claimed the flag was "an obstruction" and sued Mr' Tripodo in an effort to make him remove it. The judge presiding over the case dismissed the lawsuit and declared Mr. Tripodo did not owe the money. Ron Tripodo you are an honor to our country and I proudly thank you for your service and sacrifice. So now our flag is an obstruction? WOW! I've heard the flag called a lot of things, magnificent, awe inspiring, comforting, and lovely, but an obstruction has never enter my mind. The only way I could ever imagine Old Glory being an obstruction is if she fell across my windshield as I was driving down the freeway at 65 miles per hour and only a minor one. I hope the residents of Mr. Tripodo's neighborhood remember these scumbags when elections come around and/or vote to remove the HOA permanently.
Here is a summary, provided by, "7/24/2006--Public Law. (This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005 - States that a condominium association, cooperative association, or residential real estate management association may not adopt or enforce any policy, or enter into any agreement, that would restrict or prevent an association member from displaying the U.S. flag on residential property within the association with respect to which such member has a separate ownership interest or a right to exclusive possession or use. States that nothing in this Act shall be considered to permit any display or use that is inconsistent with: (1) federal law or any rule or custom pertaining to the proper display or use of the flag; or (2) any reasonable restriction pertaining to the time, place, or manner of displaying the flag necessary to protect a substantial interest of the condominium, cooperative, or residential real estate management association." I posted this so that any homeowner who wishes to display the American flag on their property can do so without fear of the homeowners association in their area. There may exist height and easement limits so check with the HOA for those limitations. BUT they cannot tell you to take it down if you are within city, county, and state statues.
Big Daddy
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Aid for Americans!! Sad Isn't It?!
*Takes a breath*
What in the hell is going on in this country!!!!!!! Please Lord, my GOD and Savior, help me understand the stupidity of the people running this speck of land on this insignificant planet! I read this blurb by an unknown author and it hit me so hard that someone actually thinks like I do. Are there more? Are we the majority or the minority? Why can't we band together and put an end to these atrocities in this country? Are we that busy in our puny little lives that we can't help our fellow countrymen and women? What if you lost your job tomorrow? How about your home? Think about what you would do tomorrow if everything you owned was gone and you had nothing. There are people in our towns, on our streets, in your neighborhoods that are 30 days from being on the streets with nothing but the clothes on their backs and children in tow. But "Damn WE have to send money to Haiti, Pakistan, Chile, etc. to help those poor people". BULLSHIT!!! I can't tell you how sick I am of hearing celebrities and public figures jumping on the "Oh look at me! I'm doing good." bandwagon. Angelina, Brad, Madonna, Sandra, I'm talking to you. PISS OFF!!! You're all a joke. Those kids you just had to have, to make you look like some benevolent benefactor bringing love to the unfortunate, are just a slap in the face of the children sitting in orphanages in the United States of America praying that someday one of you high and mighty givers will walk through the door and give them the dream of a family and home. I guess it's too hard to adopt an American child because you can't BUY the child. JACKASSES!!
And to you so called religious people. What is with going to Asia, Central America, and every other poor country to hand out medical aid, build houses, and/or give money? Help the people here! Trust me I bet the ones here would appreciate it more.
I can't stand it. It breaks my heart to see Americans starving and begging for help. We have to save ourselves people. Those other countries are going to laugh in our faces when the shoe is on the other foot. You think China is buying our debt to be benevolent? HA! They're doing it so they take our country. We're so worried about helping everyone else and this country is going down in debt because of it. This recession (more like depression) is getting worse and we have no one to turn to or blame but ourselves.
This is the statement I read, "We're 'broke' & can't help our own Seniors, Homeless, Veterans, Orphans, etc.?? This is so pathetically the last month we have provided aid to Haiti , Chile , and Turkey. Our retired seniors living on a fixed income receive no aid while our government and religious organizations pour hundreds of millions of dollars and tons of food to foreign countries. We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans. Why are so many American citizens, and the American government, so star struck they won't provide for our own? America: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment - yet we have a benefit for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents, clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies. Imagine if we gave ourselves the same support that we gave all other countries. I feel bad for them but I also care about America and our Seniors who developed this great country only to be forgotten.
Sad isn't it?
Big Daddy
Sunday, August 22, 2010
OK damn it I have a rant!! I know “what a freakin’ shock”, right? I hope the revelation hasn't caused anyone stress. But what in the hell is going on in Washington?! Oh my GOD we are fucked! It’s like we put a bunch of shit sandwiches in charge. Everything they say or do stinks. These dumb asses have actually fed us so much bullshit I think I’m growing weeds out of my ears. I feel like a fucking mushroom.
Iran has developed a new unmanned bomber for “defense”. Are you shitting me? Defense? OK so let’s look at this logically, they are now a nuclear power (thanks to our buddies the Russians), testing long range missiles, and building unmanned bombers. Sure that’s for defense. Same as North Korea testing their stuff to make sure they can defend themselves. Can anyone tell me when in history this happened? YOU’RE RIGHT!! World War II! Germany and Japan did the same shit and look what the hell happened then. Germany controlled half of Europe and Japan controlled South East Asia. AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS!! This is not going to end well people. These radical psycho countries aren't run by the citizens. There are two dictators that have control over the citizens through fear and torture. They have got their people so down trodden the people can’t fight back or are too scared to fight back.
Son of a bitch!! I just realized our government has done the same thing to us. We’re not scared to fight back. We've been slowly desensitized to the bullshit they keep feeding us. Our reaction is normal passivity because the stuff isn't happening in our little bubble of a life. Hurricane Katrina devastated the Southern U.S. and everyone felt bad and mourned those people for oh what A MONTH! Then something else captured our attention and off we went in a daze. “Oh look at the bright light. Katrina? I don’t know anyone named Katrina.” FEMA stepped on their fingers and screwed the pooch on Katrina. No plan, no reaction. FEMA just stood there and looked on until someone said something. Michael Brown knew the situation was dire. Marty Baramonde wrote this prick a memo and told him that people were dying, The Superdome, which was being used to house survivors, was running out of food and water. Brown’s response was “So do you think it’s too early to quit?” HUH?? You’re the head of the government’s emergency response agency and you want to quit? Holy shit! So I ask you again, what in the hell are those ass hats doing in Washington?? What did the government do? Nothing!! Oh they sent some National Guard troops down to keep peace. But the damage was already done. That people was five short years ago. Do you think anything has changed? Do you think Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, or any of the other jack wagons (Republican or Democrat) that occupy an office in Washington has a flying flamenco dancer’s ass of an idea what the hell to do if the shit hits the fan? I don’t! They’re all standing around with their fingers in the air going “I can’t seem to figure out which way the winds are blowing Toto”. Their blowing right up our fucking skirts you assholes!!!
And now the important thing is whether or not California is going to allow gay marriages to resume. Who the hell cares! Let them marry and be fucking miserable with the rest of us. Fuck people I don’t give a damn who marries who. I care about getting my ass handed to me on a platter by some fanatic with a nuclear weapon. Because trust me letting Jim and Stan or Beth and Donna get married isn't going to be the downfall of society as we know it, we aren't going to have a society or culture or anything the hell else if Kim Jong II or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sends a shitload rockets over here FEDEX with love. Cause I don’t give two shits about how my Queer Eye for the Straight Guy wardrobe looks because in the words of Dan Aykroyd those bombs “will suck the paint off your house and give your family a permanent pink afro”. And I’m no fashion critic but I don’t think the pink afro is going to look too good with anything in my closet.
Eventually this country is going to have to get it’s shit together and make them lazy ass bags in Washington do their damn jobs. Quit worrying about gays and lesbians marrying or what Britney, Lindsey, and Miley are wearing, screwing, or snorting, and start getting a handle on our international policies. This isn't just the government’s job people, it’s OUR job as citizens. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the rest of our founding fathers fought their asses off to defend this country and give us a place to be free. Every soldier that has fought for this country as defended those rights so Britney, Lindsey, and Miley can act like idiots and we can point and laugh like they’re the Three Stooges. We are soldiers for our country, every man, woman, and child. It is our duty to make sure our representatives, and I use that term loosely, in Washington do what is best for us. Now stop being sheep, mushrooms, and/or lazy and write to your Congressmen and women. Tell them to get on the stick and start paying attention to what we say.
Big Daddy
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Giant iceberg a drifting menace
So what are your ideas? How did this happen? Are you a believer in Al Gore's theory of Global Warming catastrophes causing all this weird weather? Or is this just the Earth's cycle of cleansing itself? Is this the start of something like the movie Day After Tomorrow? I am interested where everyone stands on this topic. Opinions and theories make for great conversation fodder. And since everybody has an opinion and they all stink (except mine) no slamming anyone's idea or theory. Let's play nice and agree to disagree. I really want to know what you all think. Please post your comments and we'll see where we go.
Big Daddy
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Woman says she threw 3 kids off bridge
PHILADELPHIA - A Coast Guard official says crews are searching the Delaware River off Philadelphia after a woman called a hospital drug counselor and said she had thrown her baby and two young children from a bridge.
Petty Officer Michael Blake says the woman called St. Joseph's Hospital early Tuesday morning, saying she had thrown her kids off the Ben Franklin Bridge because she could not feed them. Blake says there is no way to verify if the report is true, but that the Coast Guard is treating it as legitimate.
Authorities are trying to locate the woman. The Coast Guard, plus police and firefighters from Philadelphia and Camden, N.J., are searching the river with boats and a helicopter.
The suspension bridge connects Philadelphia and New Jersey.
Read more: diver finds, returns $7k ring
Scuba diver finds, returns $7K engagement ring (
A young bride-to-be was boating with her fiance and while applying sunscreen to her beau she placed the ring in her mouth to not get it dirty. During the application process the ring fell from her mouth, hit the deck, and bounced into the water. Now, while I believe they edited out the expletives from the article the despair is without a doubt real.
Here is the good part...
"Denny Geffre of nearby Long Lake, Minn., says he has been hunting treasures in lakes for 40 years. After hearing of Stocco's loss, he donned his scuba gear and spent three days searching the lake with a metal detector" (, 2010). This guy took three days out of his life that he will never get back to help another person in despair. Not that the ring could not have been replaced, but the sentimental value cannot be replaced. To help a young couple rest comfortably and hold on to a wonderful memory (the day the groom seen the eyes of his bride light up seeing the ring for the first time) instead of a dreaded nightmare (the moment they heard *plop* as the ring disappeared into the murky depths of the lake) can only be described as a selfless act of the heart. Mister Geffre was rewarded with a $750 gift for his troubles, but I bet that wasn't half as good as seeing the tears in the couples eyes when they knew their dreams were still intact. Even a better memory to help erase the nightmare.
Good people exist and they aren't as rare as you might think. My challenge to you is take a moment each day to look for one positive thing in life that someone does without thought of repayment, reward, or recognition. I bet you'll find more than one. Little things mean so much to those who have lost hope. And a big thanks to Denny Geffre, you're an inspiration to me.
Big Daddy
Iran says they have dug graves for US soldiers
All right so these people are enriching uranium and building "energy facilities" to produce power, but yet they want us to believe it's all peaceful after threatening if attack they have mass graves for U.S. Armed Forces casualties? Seems to me that's not very peaceful. The U.N. put sanctions against Iran and North Korea because these zealot, fanatics can't control themselves from thumbing there nose at the rest of the world and doing things reminiscent of Hitler. Although Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and North Korean dictator Kim Jong II have only done these horrors to their own people, they continue to perform missile tests (in the case of North Korea) and offer for sale the enriched uranium (Iran) to parties outside its borders that would like nothing better than see the free world, especially the U.S., fall in a ball of nuclear flames.
"The deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guard, General Hossein Kan'ani Moghadam, said graves for any attacking U.S. troops had been dug in Iran's south-western Khuzestan province, where Iran buried Iraqi soldiers killed during the ruinous 1980-88 war between the Islamic republic and Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's regime" (2010). Now does this sound like a peace loving people. No, this sounds like a challenge. Well let us take a look at this from a global aspect...why not put a few precision, laser-guided Tomahawk enemas right up both Iran and North Korea's psychos' keesters? Is it that big of a problem? Don't we have the technology to swat a fly off the nose of George Washington's face at Mount Rushmore with a Tomahawk without making him sneeze? This should be easy peasy.
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen said, "I assume that the enemy will be hit in its own military bases out of our borders and will not have any chance to have its forces land in Iran...If the U.S. decides to take a pre-emptive action and attack Iran, Iran will have no choice but to strike the American bases in the region" (2010). So we know what will happen if we strike Iran, so cripple the defense system first by taking out the bases in a coordinated strike. At the same time destroy the communications grid. Create chaos within the military by removing the leaders first. When confusion and panic set in that's the time to push in with an air and sea strike that cleanses the region (be it Asia or Middle East) of all remenants of both problems, Ahmadinejad and Jong II, including their regimes.
I'm not a warmonger but these people are and would have no problem doing the same thing to us if they had even a shred of belief they could succeed. TRhe only reason they haven't so far is because they know their militaries are nowhere near the capabilities of The United States Armed Forces. But if they succeed in gain nuclear armament, look out cause the U.S. is on the top of the hitlist with these maniacs.
Big Daddy
Monday, August 9, 2010
Phoenix, AZ SB1070 protestors
THIS IS OBSCENE!!! At what point do we say enough is enough. I guess my country does not care anymore. When the time comes the people with their heads in the sand will look around and say why didn't someone stop this. One hundred years ago these people would be hanging from the gallows in downtown Phoenix next to the courthouse. But hey these people have rights, you don't. You can't stop them, your GOVERNMENT tells you they have rights. Not YOU have rights, THEY have rights. Your rights stopped the day they set foot in this country and could alter legislation in Congress and in the White House. The CITIZENS of this country need to stand up for themselves and stop looking the other way or believing the U.S. Government has your best interests at heart.
Those people on Capitol Hill only care about getting re-elected, not pushing thru legislation that will help our citizens. Our veterans and elderly are being starved out by lazy, useless people who refuse to work (not because they are not able to, they just don't want to). Welfare is for those who deserve it; widows, orphans, handicapped, and those unfortunate souls who have fell on hard times. When they are able to work find jobs for them. My highways look like trash bins, my roads have potholes the size of swimming pools, my city needs graffiti removed. You want the State of Arizona (my tax dollars) to pay for your food, healthcare, and unemployment insurance? Worker programs should be instituted and the money the State would pay for your WELFARE will be deducted from the wages you would've earned. The State of Arizona would win in both case as would the worker. The States of Arizona receives the work needed and reimbursed for the expense, the worker has healthcare, food, and the excess wages (or funds) to take care of the rest of life's necessities. Cable T.V., High-speed Internet, cigarettes, booze, a Cadillac Escalade with 24" rims, and/or $300 jeans are not necessities. Electricity, water, gas, car insurance (so when your deadbeat ass hits me I don't foot the bill with higher insurance rates), food, and hygiene products are ESSENTIALS for life. Then you can stand up and call for a better life now that you are a contributing member of this great country. This is not meant as a slam to the illegal immigrants that come here and sponge off my state, but also those leeches and lazy deadbeats who are citizens and feel the country owes them something because they were born here. Bull! Get your fat, lazy carcass off the couch and get a job, or volunteer your time, to take some of the load off the hardworking contributors of this country. My back is killing me carrying your dead weight around. I will never begrudge anyone the right to come to this great country and pursue the life, liberty, and justice I have enjoyed my entire life. But come here the right way and offer something useful to the economy.
Benjamin Franklin said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Let us not give up our country and our freedoms. Our Constitution is the most sacred document to our way of life. The prolific corruption of our country is being done by our own Government with inaction and gross negligence. The ability of the senile, self-serving, maniacal members of our Congress have polluted our legislative body so much, for so long, the cancer is spreading to the citizens. We have become complacent and numb to the stench that has reeked the halls of Congress for decades. It does not matter, Republican or Democrat, they all have been part of the problem with no hint of a solution at the end of the rope this country is going to hang itself with. At some point there has to be an end to the malfeasance of our governing body. Because if not the horrors halfway around the globe that our soldiers are facing right now, while you sit down to dinner, while you watch your DirecTv, while you sit safe and sound in your high-rise office building, is going sweep across this land like a plague and its coming across the border everyday. I'm not talking about illegal Mexican immigrants, I'm talking about the ones that want to do this country irreparable harm. The horrors that plague the soldiers in the Middle East and Asia are coming to the streets of your neighborhood. If a poor, starving Mexican immigrant can sneak across the Southern border of the U.S. with little or no problem, do you think a terrorist with nearly unlimited resources cannot march him or herself up the same trail with any difficulty? How about carrying a small nuclear device that weighs 30 pounds and can clear a one mile radius piece of U.S. soil clean of all living organisms except cockroaches? This is real people not some fantasy as our Government would like you to believe. If you are scared, good you should be. Because fear breeds anger and anger breeds action. We are normal human animals with a flight or fight instinct. We are now back into a corner, there is no flight option left. We have to fight for our right to control our fate, fight for our right to be happy, fight for our right for liberty, fight for our lives before it is taken from us and some bureaucrat makes that decision for us.
I have added these thoughts in hopes that those people I send this email to might look into their hearts and see where there loyalties lie. I am an American citizen as is my father and his father before him and his father before him and so on for fourteen generations with the founding of this great nation.
Big Daddy